Dead End Roads

I’m used to having to hold it together when things get rough.  I’ve been doing this for many years.  I’ve been through a lot of pretty crazy things during my 36 years on this earth, and despite a couple of meltdowns (and an occasional panic attack) along the way, I believe that I’ve held out pretty well.  It used to be much worse.  I didn’t … Continue reading Dead End Roads

Slipping Backwards in the Patience Department

I saw the cutest little girl at the grocery store this evening.  She’s about the same age as the little girl that we are waiting to hear about–the foster/adopt possibility, that is.  She may have been just a LITTLE bit older.  But anyway, I started thinking about how very real this could all be for us very soon.  And I got crazy excited.  There I was, daydreaming right there in front of … Continue reading Slipping Backwards in the Patience Department

Sometimes You Are Afraid to Say, "No".

We have checked our emails.  There was an email from our worker regarding a possible foster/adopt situation.  It was for a little girl.  She is about a year-and-a-half, African American, no delays, and about two hours or so from our house.  They are still looking for family, so we have no way of knowing if it could turn out to be an adoption situation or not.  … Continue reading Sometimes You Are Afraid to Say, "No".

Meeting the Supervisor

Corey and I took a short day on Thursday to meet with our resource person and her supervisor.  The meeting went well all-in-all, but I’m not so sure it really moved us ahead in any way.  It was really the typical ’round and ’round we always hear.  We did; however, find out ways to be in contact with caseworkers from other states more directly (loopholes … Continue reading Meeting the Supervisor